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Our Florist Choice - Sweet Delight mini box arrangement is a one-of-a-kind arrangement of locally sourced flowers in soft pink and purple hues. Handcrafted by our expert florist Concetta, each bouquet is a unique and breathtaking creation. Perfect for any occasion, this vibrant bouquet is sure to bring joy and happiness to your loved one, making it a thoughtful and meaningful gift.


While the flowers in the bouquet may vary slightly from the image, you can trust that our creative florists will select the freshest, most vibrant blooms available to create a stunning and cheerful arrangement for you or your recipient. Shop local and support our community of growers while enjoying the beauty and freshness of our Florist Choice - Sweet Delight

Florist Choice - Sweet Delight

PriceFrom $60.00

    Fruit & Vegetable Disclaimer:

    1. The pictures on this site are for illustration purposes ​and may contain different/varying products based on seasonal availability and market fluctuation.

    2. Fruit and vegetables are natural perishable products that will react to their immediate environment, indoor and outdoor weather conditions.  If the product you receive is not what you expected, you will be issued with either: 

    • Store credit to the value of the item

    • Replace the item

    •  5% discount on your next order


        For further details, please refer to our T&C's page

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